Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Type of Learning Styles We Know (Learning Style)

Various studies have been conducted to prove that in fact we have a way of learning and thinking different. We will find it more effective and better by using more listening, but others feel better by reading and some even felt that the result will be optimal if we learn immediately practice what you learn. How do we learn will greatly affect the structure of our brains. It is then we know as the Learning Style (Learning Styles).
In addressing a variety of learning styles, certainly must be coupled with the logic and culture the way we work, and most importantly of all the above is a way our brains work which in this case we call the modalities of learning. Briefly learning modality is, a way of how the brain absorbs information that goes through the five senses optimally. According to Howard Gardner's learning modalities can be characterized into learning styles Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic Reading

People who have Auditory learning style, learning to rely on hearing to be able to understand and remember. Characteristics of this learning model really puts hearing as the main tool to absorb the information or knowledge. That is, to remember and understand specific information, the concerned should be heard first. Those who have a learning style is generally difficult to directly absorb the information in written form, in addition to having trouble writing or reading.
Some of the features of an Auditory among others: Able to remember well the materials discussed in the group Getting to know a lot of songs / TV commercials, Likes to talk. Generally not a good reader. Less can well remember what he had just read. Less well in tasks compose / write. Less attention to new things in the surrounding environment.

People who have a visual learning style, learning by emphasizing the sharpness of vision. That is, concrete evidence must be disclosed in advance so that they understand. The characteristics of people who have a visual learning style is a high demand to see and perceive information visually before they understand it.Concretely, the question easier to capture lessons through pictorial material. In addition, they have a strong sense of color, as well as having sufficient understanding of artistic problems. It's just that usually they have a direct obstacle to dialogue because it is too reactive to sound, making it difficult to follow the advice verbally and often misinterpreted the words or speech.
Some visual characteristics are: Always pay attention to their lips to see someone who speaks to him Tend to use gestures when expressing something Not like speaking in front of the group, and less likely to listen to others. Usually can not remember the information given orally More like a demonstration rather than verbal explanations Visual Usually people who can sit quietly in the midst of noisy / crowded without being disturbed

People who have learning styles Reading, learning by focusing on the writings or records. This characteristic is really putting the reading or writing as the main tool to absorb the information or knowledge. That is, to remember and understand specific information, the concerned should first read or write. Those who have this learning style like things that smell of theoretical and generally hard to directly absorb the information in the form of demonstration or practical.
People who have a learning style is usually characterized Reading:
Likes reading and making notes Letters are beautiful and neat writing is very memorable for them Easy to remember what they read or write

People who have a learning style, Kinesthetic require the individual to touch something that gives certain information so that he can remember. Of course there are some characteristics of this learning model that not everyone can do it. The first character is placing his hand as the primary means of receiving information in order to remember it. Only by holding it alone, someone who has this learning style to absorb the information without having to read the explanation.
The next character is exemplified as a person who can not stand sitting down for long listening to the delivery of information. No wonder that individuals with this learning style learn to feel better if the process is accompanied by physical activity. The surplus, they have the ability to coordinate a team besides the ability to control the motion of the body (athletic ability). Not infrequently, people who tend to have these characters more easily absorb and understand information by tracing a picture or word and then learn to speak or understand the facts.
Those who have the characteristics above are encouraged to learn through experience by using different models of visual aids, such as working in the lab or study that allow it to play. Simple way that also can be implemented is regularly allocate time for a moment to rest in the middle of its characteristics is the time belajarnya.Beberapa
People who have Kinesthetic learning style usually has the characteristics: Like to touch everything he encountered It's hard to remain silent Likes to do everything by hand Usually have a good body coordination Likes to use real objects as a learning tool Learn abstract things is very difficult

In terms of looking at something and how it performs arrangements of information, there are people who tend to view things in the abstract, and some are concrete.While aspects of information management, human process them sequentially (regular / sequential) and random (random).
A Professor in the field of curriculum and instruction at the University of Connecticut, Anthony Gregorc, combining both the above factors into 4 styles of thinking person's character. Each person has one dominant style of thinking among the four types that exist. The four types of thinking styles are: Concrete Sequential (CS), Abstract Random (AR), Abstract Sequential (AS), Concrete Random (CR).
Concret sequential [CS]
People with this type is one who tends, orderly, and neat. They always do the work on time, well planned, and do not like things that are abrupt. In addition they are not happy with the features of CS did errands in piles. Usually somewhat perfectionist that wants everything done perfectly and well planned. This type is suitable for this type of work that requires precision and neatness, as secretary and treasurer.
What is best for them? Having an easy way to apply the ideas Organize Bright idea can make them more efficient Produce concrete results from the abstract ideas Ability to work on time with good

What are the characteristics of the Concret sequential thinkers [CS]? Working systematically, step by step Care about the details Having a schedule to be lived Has a logical interpretation Knowing what is useful to them Routines, motivate them to do something

What is difficult for them? Working groups Working in an environment of irregular Following are incomplete or unclear petuntuk Working with people who have no establishment Dealing with abstract ideas Demands to "use his imagination" The question that is not right or wrong answers

What questions they ask when learning? What evidence do I need? How do I do? When does it come from?

Surefire tips for Concret sequential thinkers [CS]: Build your organizational strengths Find out the details you need Divide your project into several stages Arrange a quiet work environment

Abstract sequential [AS]
Usually an intelligent thinker and have brilliant ideas. This guy is glad to know and think about what others think not. Glad to read made him happy to discuss, even argue with others. I was so happy to think, sometimes they forget that the people around him did not understand the ideas that are too "high". Prefers to learn as individuals rather than groups. They are often called "eminent drafter" and good at analyzing information.
What is best for them? Gather much information before making a decision Analysing ideas Conducting research Gives some idea of ​​the sequential logical Using evidence to prove or disprove theories Provide the evidence needed to be resolved

What are the characteristics of the Concret sequential thinkers [CS]? Using appropriate examples, as a result of accurate research Learn more by watching than doing it An acceptable reason logically Work quietly to discuss an issue thoroughly

What is difficult for them? Required to work in a different perspective Having too little time in solving a problem Repeating the same task over and over again Many specific rules and other regulations thought the "sentimental" Express their emotions Being diplomatic when convincing others Not dominate a conversation

What questions they ask when learning? How do I know if this is true? Is there any possibilities that have not been considered before? What we need in completing this work?

Surefire tips for Abstract sequential thinkers [U.S.]: Train your logic Suburkan your intelligence Strive regularity Analyze the people you deal with

Abstract Random [AR]
Everything is often associated with feelings and emotions, so they are known to be very sensitive. All can be fun if the mood of his suit, but be bad if they no longer have positive emotions towards something. Easy to lose concentration, a lot of consideration, and doodled with no meaning in the book is characteristic of this type.They also are maintaining relationships with others, not happy if you have a conflict, and is known to "concern" among the people around him. In addition, they are also very easy to fall for her emotions. The term cool "easy touch". A spontaneous expression that might be because of their difficulty verbally expressing something to another person.
What is best for them Want to listen to others Understand the feelings and emotions Focus on themes and ideas Bringing harmony to the group Relate well with others Recognize and appreciate other people's emotional

What are the characteristics of the thinker Abstract Random [AR]? Learning alone Broad and general instructions Maintaining good relations with The spirit in participating in the work which they believe Has a high morality Decisions are made based on feelings

What is difficult for them? Provide an explanation Competing Working with people who have the authority personality / dictator Working in environments that limit Working with people who are less friendly Concentrate on one thing at once Giving details of the exact Accept positive criticism

What questions they ask when learning? What this has to do with me? How can I tell?

Surefire tips for thinkers Abstract Random [AR]: Use your natural ability to cooperate with others Build your learning power by associating Look at the big picture Beware of the time Use visual cues cues

Concret Random [CR]
Often thought of as creative as happy to try to get things their own way. I was so much fun, they tend to not care about time. Renowned as "Deadliner", because they often do something on deadline, although a much earlier time. This type can do some work at one time, a very difficult thing to do people with type CR. Spontaneity and the impulsivity characteristic of this type, because so many of the ideas appear in their heads. CR type is usually enough people believed to be a leader, although it raises a critical situation because of the nature "of his deadliner". They also like to try something, to experiment, though probably many other people do not enjoy it.
What is best for them? Gave the inspiration to others to do something Have many options and solutions Provide creative ideas Envision their future Often use different ways of doing things Accept people who have many differences Thinking quickly with its own Able to bear the risk

What are the characteristics of the Concret sequential thinkers [CS]? Uses the same insight and instinct to solve problems Working with a lot of time

What is difficult for them? The ban and restrictions Formal reports Routines Repeating work already completed Storing the documents detailed Show how they get an answer Choose only one answer The absence of choice

What questions they ask when learning? How much this really necessary?

Surefire tips for thinkers Concret Random [CR]: Use your divergent capabilities Prepare yourself to solve problems Pay attention to your time Accept your need for change Seek support for yourself

Thank Style
Everyone is a unique individuals, each of which will see the world "how" her own.Although we saw an incident at the same time, does not guarantee we'll just report what we see. This is because every person has a way of thinking and understand something different. A researcher in psychology, Herman Witkin, through his research studies suggest two kinds of characteristics of one's own learning style, ie learning styles and learning styles of Global Analytical.
It is in fact not as easy as in classifying a person's learning style as kind-maca on learning styles, and in fact no one is 100% pure. Everyone must have a combination of these learning styles. However, a person usually has a tendency to be more dominant in one group.
Analytical minded way of looking at things tend to be more detailed, specific, organized, and orderly. However, less able to understand the problem thoroughly. In working on tasks assigned, an Analytical will do its job on a regular basis, from one phase to the next. They have a tendency to do one task at a time, and will not work on another task before the first task is completed.
Analytical people need sufficient time to complete the task, because they do not want any one part was missing. People who have a way of thinking Analytical often think of something based on logic. In addition, they assess the facts that occurred more than feelings. They can find the facts, but often are not informed about the main idea, so sometimes they do not understand the meaning and purpose in doing something.They are very difficult to learn if there is interference, because usually his mind only focused on one issue only. To overcome this situation, should someone who has a way of thinking Analytical study alone, recently joined with friends to socialize after they finish studying.
A person who can work a maximum of Analytical dominant when there is a consistent and definite method of doing something, especially if they can create their own learning system. For the daily schedule helps an Analytical feel the structure and things that are predictable, so that they can determine and meet the goals are clear.

People who think globally tend to see everything as a whole, with the big picture, however, they can see the relationship between one part with another part. Global People who can see things that are implied, and explaining the problems with his own words. They can see a lot of choices about work and can work on multiple tasks at once.
People who think Global may cooperate with others, be sensitive to others' feelings and flexible. They are happy to work hard to please others. Love to give and receive compliments, and even they tend to need more encouragement in starting work on something. They can take criticism personally. They will have difficulty having to explain things step by step. People who have a way of thinking globally dominant usually lacks neatness, even though they have a great desire to tidy it up, but often less accomplished his desire. To overcome this they should learn to simplify the system.
Global people's minds that the dominant could never focus on one issue, his mind can go many directions all the time. If the Global doing a task and there are new tasks that arise, then they will begin working on the second task, although his first job is not finished. To overcome this situation should they cooperate with others, with the promise of mutual help in completing the task before doing anything else. They will be easy to concentrate when there is someone who works with him. Procrastination is a real temptation for the Global, they need encouragement to begin their task.

Source: http://imtelkom.ac.id

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